All countries in the EU are implementing the Sustainable Use Directive. It sets minimum standards for the safe use of professional pesticides. Thanks to existing legislation many UK farmers already meet most of the requirements. However, farmers operating under 'grandfather rights' will need to get a recognised certificate to continue spraying. In addition, most spray application equipment will need to be tested & farmers need to demonstrate they are following an integrated approach to crop protection.
There are three dates that matter for any business that uses professional pesticides.
The first deadline for the Sustainable Use Directive has already arrived & during 2014 you will need to demonstrate Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is followed on your farm. For more information on how this affects you please call Pete Clark on extension 1.
By 26th November 2015 the sprayer operator on your farm will need to hold a recognised certificate.
Finally by the 26th of November 2016 all working sprayer application equipment must hold an NSTS Certificate.
These measures will be a legal requirement for the UK. Non-compliance could lead to prosecution & threaten your Single Farm Payment.
If you require any further information of need your equipment testing, please call our NSTS sprayer tester Peter Clark on 01325 378552 ext.1